Sunday, November 1, 2009

This Is Halloween

I found a really cute idea on Hostess with the Mostess. She cut up olives and put them on top of deviled eggs in such a way that they looked like spiders. Spiders... cute? Yes!

Mine didn't quite turn out as pretty. In fact they looked more like octopuses than spiders :\ I think I should've used black olives instead of kalamata. Oh well. The deviled egg mixture was pretty good. I also looked up how to cook perfectly boiled eggs. No ugly green ring around the yolk! The secret is 6 cups of water for 6 eggs. Let it come to a barely simmer and turn off the heat. The eggs should rest in the water for 10 minutes or more before you crack them. The only problem was peeling them. The eggs were super delicate and a few of them broke. Oh well..

I decided to be a geisha for Halloween after seeing Michelle Phan's video:

I cheaped out on some of the makeup so the look wasn't exact but here's my version of it.

After we finished cooking and getting ready, my sister, Justyn and I went to Jason's house.

He made some really good spicy Korean pork (pork gogi I think?), three versions of kimchee (bean sprout, cabbage & turnip), tofu stew & rice. He always goes all out and dinner was fantastic!

There were tons of trick or treaters out last night and they were all adorable.

More drinking ensued.. and we watched some movies before heading home for the night.

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